appendicitis misdiagnosis

What is the Most Common Misdiagnosis of Appendicitis?

Misdiagnosed appendicitis is relatively common. According to a recent study, between 3.8% and 15% of children admitted to emergency departments at hospitals were misdiagnosed despite presenting symptoms consistent with appendicitis. If your child is one of them, you know that watching your child’s pain get worse until a doctor accurately diagnoses their condition is traumatic…

pediatric meningitis

What Are Child Meningitis Legal Settlements?

Prompt diagnosis of pediatric meningitis is essential to your child’s ability to overcome the disease. Unfortunately, meningitis has several symptoms in common with more common and less dangerous diseases, leading to an increase in missed or delayed diagnoses that can impact your child’s life, happiness, and well-being. If their pediatrician doesn’t diagnose or treat your…

Multiple medications with question marks

When Mistakes Happen: Understanding Pediatric Medication Errors and Your Legal Options

Parents trust healthcare providers to care for their children precisely and diligently. However, when it comes to medication, even minor errors can have devastating consequences. Pediatric medication errors—such as administering the wrong medication or incorrect dosage—occur far too frequently, potentially leading to severe harm or even death. Understanding these errors and knowing your legal options…

Doctor with gavel

Delays Matter: Understanding Pediatric Malpractice in Meningitis Cases

Meningitis is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that demands immediate medical attention, especially in children. However, when healthcare providers fail to diagnose or treat meningitis promptly, the consequences can be devastating.  These instances may constitute pediatric medical malpractice, leaving families to cope with the emotional, physical, and financial aftermath. Understanding the intricacies of pediatric…

Child with medications in hand

Can You Sue for a Child’s Medication Error in Pennsylvania?

When you take your child to the doctor, you expect their pediatrician to treat their condition and help your child recover from whatever they’re experiencing quickly. When the pediatrician prescribes medications to treat your child’s symptoms, you’re trusting that the doctor knows what they’re doing. Though most physicians prescribe medications that are safe for your…

Child and parent in hospital bed

Was My Child’s Spinal Meningitis Misdiagnosed? Legal Options for Malpractice Victims

Pediatric spinal meningitis is a treatable condition but it requires fast action and a quick diagnosis from their pediatric medical care provider. If your child’s pediatrician misdiagnoses the condition, it can lead to serious and long-term health consequences and complications. Though misdiagnosis can happen, parents and families caring for children with spinal meningitis may be…